So What is Flyball?

Flyball is a relay sport for dogs.  Teams of four dogs race against other teams by jumping over hurdles, to get to a box that releases a tennis ball.  The dogs must each catch the ball and run back over the hurdles to you, carrying the ball.

Flyball is great mental and physical exercise for your dog and a lot of fun for both of you!  Flyball is a very exciting sport.


Cindy has trained many dogs in the sport of flyball.

Ripple and the 2013 Rookie of the Year award

Ripple with his Trophy

Her dog Ripple was awarded the “2013 Rookie of the Year” by the Hot Diggity Dogs Flyball Club and Performance Team.

The titles in flyball that her dogs have attained:

Jake, 11 yr old ShepX Lab – FD, FDX, FDCH, FDCH-S (Sadly we had to say goodbye to Jake in May of 2014. We miss him!)

Beau, 6 yr old CattleDogX – FD, FDX, FDCH, FDCH-S, FDCH-G, MBD, MBDX

Jazzy J., 5 yr old JackXBeagle – FD, FDX, FDCH-S, FDCH-G, FM

Ripple, 3 yr old Whippet – FD, FDX, FDCH, FDCH-S, FDCH-G, FM, MBD, MBDX, MBDCH

Ripple was part of the Hot Diggity Dogs Multi breed team that won the Regional Division Championship for 2014, for Ontario and Quebec.

For an explanation of flyball titles visit the North American Flyball Association page.

Beau and Jazzy J. were both rescue dogs, Beau came from Louisiana and Jazzy J. came from Ohio.


Team Fido offers Beginner Flyball Lessons both individual and group.  

To learn more about Flyball:

Cell: 705-772-4677
Home: 705-652-6758


Team Fido Flyball
Canadian Association of Professional Pet Dog Trainers
Pet Professional Guild of Force Free Trainers